Church services were held at the Green Hall School until November 27, 1918, which is when land was purchased from Preacher John Mitchiner in the amount of $100.00. Mitchiner’s Grove Baptist Church was built in 1920.
The church had many pastors in its history including Jasper Evans, Burwell, Moses Davis, Joel Kingsberry, Dennis Williams, Harold Timberlake, V. E. Brown (interim) Ralph Mangrum, Rev. Alton Smith (served for 15 years), Interim Charlie Green, Lafayette Maxwell, Interim William Wilson, and the current pastor, Melvin Jackson.
In June of 1941, under the leadership of Rev. Moses Davis, the church built a baptism pool, which was located next to the pump house. Many people were baptized in this pool, including members from neighboring churches. In that year, the church had a total of 188 members.
Under the leadership of Joel Kingsberry we had soul stirring revival. People came from all around to hear him. The church was always full. Church was so full that they sent the children out of the sanctuary to have enough room.
During Rev. Timberlake’s tenure as pastor, Mitchiner’s Grove began having church service on 2nd Sundays, in addition to 4th Sundays, so that new members could be baptized. While Rev. Mangrum was pastor, Youth Day was initiated and held on 2nd Sundays.
Under Rev. Alton Smith’s leadership, a new church was built, which is the current church. The church was actually built by Rev. Smith, who was a builder, his sons and other church members. Later a fellowship hall was added to the church. The first Junior Choir was organized by Robert Neal. Mitchiner's Grove was truly blessed to have Rev. Smith. He delivered the Word of God and God blessed the church to grow.
Under the leadership of Rev. Maxwell, the first indoor baptism pool was built. James Xavier Pearce was the first to be baptized in the indoor baptismal pool. Other improvements followed, including installation of kitchen cabinets and the donation of a refrigerator and stove. Also, Robert Neal founded the Youth 4 Christ Ministry, which introduced the Word of God, in a creative and fun manner, to the youth of the church.
Eighty-four (84) years later, in 1998, the Lord blessed Mitchiner’s Grove with Pastor Melvin Jackson as the new pastor. Pastor Jackson is married to First Lady Elder Deborah Jackson. They have one child, Genesis Jackson. Under the leadership of Pastor Jackson, his anointed vision from God has allowed him to expand and strengthen ministries. Since Pastor Jackson became pastor, Mitchiner’s Grove has moved to having church services every
Sunday, including Intercessory Prayer at 9:30 AM, followed by Sunday School at 10:00 AM. Bible Study is held Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM. In addition to regularly scheduled services, there are a host of outside engagements and special services rendered on a routine basis. New disciples are constantly coming to the Lord and joining Mitchiner’s Grove. Truly God is blessing Mitchiner’s Grove for being obedient to His Word.
From 2005 to 2006, visions for new ministries arose. Rhonda Neal established the Singles’ Ministry. The Family Ministry was established by Minister James and Elaine Williams. On April 9, 2006, the Greeters Ministry was established by Sis. Clara Neal and Minister Robert Neal. On August 11, 2006, God blessed Mitchiner’s Grove tremendously with 4.96 acres of additional land (New total: 6.59 acres)! With new disciples coming to the Lord and joining
Mitchiner’s Grove, God has continued to bless Mitchiner’s Grove with the resources needed to minister and reach out to even more souls that need to hear the word of God. God knows that Mitchiner’s Grove has a mind to build the kingdom of God! We are so grateful for all of God’s people who have been of great service to Mitchiner’s Grove Baptist Church. Many of our disciples have served God and worked fervently and diligently in the church through the good and hard times. Our members knew and still know that God will make a way, if we just hold on and press on. Just as the church in the early times strived to bring people to God, we are still doing it today and fulfilling our purpose in God’s will.